What is confusing you about cryptocurrency?

Oct 4, 2023
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A lot of people don't know much about cryptocurrency. But one funny thing is that many claim to be knowledgable about the digital currency. Personally, i will not rate myself high when it comes to cryptocurrency. Though, i have the basic knowledge and i can do simple tricks with crypto. Cryptocurrency is too complex with a lot of evolving terminology. Each crypto have its specifics and way of operations. That makes cryptocurrency absolutely amazing. The more i deep my knowledge about crypto, the more it seems more broad and diverse!
What is confusing you about cryptocurrency! Perhaps someone may help to give a simplified explanation!
Even though I have known and used crypto for more than 10 years, there is still a lot that I don't know, especially about crypto prices which are very difficult to predict, and it is impossible for me to learn about all types of crypto that are currently circulating on the exchange. So basically I just think and act simply and not be greedy, especially only choose coins/tokens that have good fundamentals, use free money to invest or trade crypto, avoid FOMO and FUD, keep learning and practicing to improve my skills.
Everything. Despite the fact that I encounter cryptocurrencies frequently, I continue to be bewildered by their complexity and am still eager to learn more.
I am still not very clear on how they are generated and stored. The process is so technical that even a software professional like me finds it hard to understand fully
I think what i find confusing is the issue of crypto trading. I have little to no idea about crypto trading. I have heard a lot about people talking about it and how they make profits.
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