What is Stopping You To Start a Business?


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Oct 3, 2023
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People are afraid to establish their own businesses for a variety of reasons. They are afraid of failing, they do not have the means to start a business, they are scared by the firms they have seen in the area where they want to set up shop, they lack skills and experience, they are discouraged by family members, etc. How about you? What is stopping you to start a business?
I have already started mine but for most people, I think one major thing stopping them is the funds. They want to start big rather than making use of the little they have and starting with that.
I have already started mine but for most people, I think one major thing stopping them is the funds. They want to start big rather than making use of the little they have and starting with that.
Yes, I guess it is the top reason why people can't start a business right away.

And you are right, they want to start a big risky business.
Yes, I guess it is the top reason why people can't start a business right away.

And you are right, they want to start a big risky business.
The funny thing is that majority of them have some capital they can use in starting up for the time being but they feel they must start big, only then will they succeed in business.
The funny thing is that majority of them have some capital they can use in starting up for the time being but they feel they must start big, only then will they succeed in business.
Yes, they want to use more capital despite knowing that there is no assurance that the business will succeed. I guess, it is okay if the business owner is filthy rich.
Though I am a business owner, I would not advise anyone with a similar educational and family background to start a business especially in the internet sector due to government slavery, financial fraud since 2010. Private citizens are paying all the expenses, doing all the computer work, and government agencies, especially intelligence are allegedly falsely claiming that their employees are owning the domains, bank, online account of private citizens who are also criminally defamed to cover up the massive financial fraud.
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