What is the biggest waste of money?

The biggest waste of money and resources is money spend on buying weapons for warfare. Nothing to me is more waste than that. A lot of countries spend millions of dollars on acquiring weapons of mass destruction. Such wasteful endeavor!
You said it right, governments spend a lots of money in order to kill and harm peoples instead of building school and hospitals to save peoples.
In your opinion what is the biggest waste of money?
I should say money invested on election rallies in India are the biggest waste of money. Let leaders prove themselves through their work.
I should say money invested on election rallies in India are the biggest waste of money. Let leaders prove themselves through their work.
I agree with you, those leaders should prove their ability through work not through talking, also in my country they do similar things.
It would depend from person to person. And each one will differ in their perception. Buying weapons is a big waste but then one has to do that if you have threats to your national security.
I feel that on personal level, buying drugs and other such addictive and abusive substances is the biggest waste of money.
The biggest waste of money for me is spending it for social validation, like someone buying a very expensive dress but not feeling comfortable wearing it. I mean, hello, what's the point of wearing it if you're not comfortable with it?. Another thing is buying something you don't need. The reason you're just buying it is because your neighbor or someone else has it.
The government is wasting a huge amount of taxpayer money paying monthly salaries to the relatives, friends and associates of top government employees who are faking their resume, savings, online income and online investment . It is also wasting taxpayer money to cover up this fraud.
In my opinion, the biggest waste of money is small expenses that are made continuously without a plan, such as smoking, hanging out in cafes, shopping online, etc. and it turns out that if we add up these small expenses every month, we will be surprised to see the amount of money we have spent. Within a year we can buy a motorbike.
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