What is the most creative commercial you have seen?

Oct 3, 2023
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I have come across several creative commercials, and one that stands out to me is the Jollibee commercial. Jollibee is a local fast-food chain here in the Philippines. Most Jollibee commercials resemble short films, often featuring interesting and touching stories. I have been able to relate to some of these narratives, and I hope they continue to produce more in the future. What is the most creative commercial you have seen?
There was one I saw on X a few days back, it's a pretty old one but it was very creative. It talks about how smoking kills. The guy was stranded in an island, and some bush cave men where about to eat him but they could not start the fire, frustrated they all sat down together, giving up on trying to eat the guy. The guy later brought out a cigarette and a lighter, the moment the people saw the fire, they quickly continued their preparation to kill and eat him.
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