what is the way forward, making a repair or buying the new device!


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Oct 2, 2023
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For me l have a crashed desktop, the Deli make to be precised. It lasted for Ten good years offering good service. However it just crashed and the specialist is charging $180 for the repair. So when l window shopped l find out that l can get a new device at around $250 the same make and model. What do l do?
The advice I would give to anyone is if you have the funds to buy a new one, then go ahead. From my experience with repairing devices, the moment you do, it's just an open door for more issues to come up, and majority of this issue lies with the fact that we lack capable hands to handle the repairs.
It is always better to purchase a new computer especially if you have a second hand computer or have used the computer for a longer period of time. Most gadgets have a limited lifespan.
I too advise that you should buy a new device. This is because repairing the desktop that you have used for more than ten years would develop some other complications and every now and then you will be at the specialist spending so much money for the same.
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