What is your favorite way to invest in gold?


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Gold is one of the safest investments and you can invest in gold through various ways. One of the most common ways to invest in gold is by gold jewelry. However, I do not think this is the best method as jewelry will actually depreciate the value of gold. I think a better approach is to buy gold bars or gold biscuits, or even gold coins. Then there is also something called digital gold, with this option you do not buy gold physically, you just get a certificate of investment.
Saving/investing in gold is my grandmother's habit when she has money to buy gold jewelry. However, currently various forms of gold, both in the form of savings that can save gold on official mobile apps registered with the government, customers/savers can start saving with a minimum weight of 0.01 grams. However, saving/investing in gold is less suitable for those with an aggressive risk profile.
Definitely investing in physical currencies is my favorite way, gold is expensive generally speaking, and a coin of a few grams is worth quite a bit of money, but I think it's very good to have gold in its physical form.
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