What is your main aim for being on the social media sites.


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Oct 2, 2023
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Most people nowadays are connected to the internet due to the rise in the usage of the smartphones.
However every person is likely to be found on the social media for reasons better known to themselves.
So according to you what do you exactly do on the social sites?
The first time I joined social media sites was cause others where joining and I wanted to be able to keep up conversations with my school friends even during holidays. Presently my reason for being in social media is simply for my business.
Initially I joined several social media just for fun and to fill my free time, I am not an online businessman who can offer goods on social media, and it seems that social media is full of suspicion about adding new friends that we didn't know before. Apart from that, busyness is getting busier so social media I always ignore
My main aim for being on social media sites at the moment is for promotional purposes for sites that I own at the moment. I also use it to promote my freelance services.

There was a time I used to use it to socialize and have fun but things changed and it became more mentally draining.
gwolf666Latest member