What kind of businesses do you have interests in?


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Oct 2, 2023
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For me l can say that, it's very wise for one to consider the starting of the most trending and businesses that seem to be doing well no matter how the competition is rather than starting businesses that are in the line of their interests but never being marketable on the business industry for sure.
I have interest in doing some graphic jobs and customized items. I have already started. Though things are a little bit rough but it's still something I want to do.
I have interest in the boutique business. I am a fashion person and I would love to own a classic boutique.
I have interest in the boutique business. I am a fashion person and I would love to own a classic boutique.
I'm looking to try out building materials business. The thing is that this is one business I'm sure will get it really right
SamarkhanLatest member