What piece of technology is most important to you?

Joshua Farrell

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What piece of technology is most important to you?

I would mention it is my computer, but then again, I can always go to a library to use one. The one item that makes my life much easier, is the mobile phone.
My 2 last netbooks. First of all, my Debian10 based. It owns a SSD that speeds up the device, being very important while working and studying. And it counts on many for free productivity tools (as Ubuntu does). Meanwhile, I can't get rid of Windows, the O.S. running on my second netbook. Banks and universities apps of my country don't run in the Linux environment, so I need a Windows device too. And it must be a netbook or notebook. I can't use a phone to work and study, as I suffer from hyperopia and I find a mobile screen too small. It's also hardship to write long text using a phone, so a netbook is a must for me.
It's my cellphone for me. I use it every day for communication, work, and other purposes. I also carry it around with me wherever I travel.
For me, the computer is my most important piece of technology because it is very useful in my work. Aside from that, a cellphone is also essential for communication purposes.
I have a laptop and a colored printer and a smartphone. Those three I used for my business and also for my leisure time
My smartphone wins this hands down. It has opened a whole new world of possibilities for me. With it, I learn, I work and earn. A day without my smartphone is not possible as far as I am concerned. When the last one got spoiled, I had it replaced in 24 hours.
My phone and my pc are the most useful technology that i can't work without them, like everyone my phone is very important for me in order to communicate with others and also to pay for grossers and also for surfing internet, my pc is also important for me i read books and many things on my pc, and i wright with it.
Definitely my mobile phone. I would be lost without it and I can do most forum things on it.
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