What should be the biggest marketing point of a school?


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Sep 20, 2024
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A school is like every other business and they also need to advertise. I advertising a school, what should be the biggest selling point that the school can use to attract people?

Is it their facilities, their teachers or the performance of previous students from the school? What should be the selling point of a school?
Showing off your facilities without as a school without testimony of your ex students doing well in external exams or different endeavours of life won't really attract people that much.
I think their facilities should be one of their selling points. People today want to ensure they give their students the best when it comes to education.
Showing off your facilities without as a school without testimony of your ex students doing well in external exams or different endeavours of life won't really attract people that much.
Which is why I said it should be one of and not your major or only way. People these days are mostly moved by what they see. Even when they have heard a lot of testimony about the school, they would want to see for themselves what the school has.
marcoswilliamLatest member