What should be the joint family income to sustain a family of with 2 children in your country?

King Belieal

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When it comes to running a family, money can't be overemphasized.

For an average family of two children all under 10 years old, what do you think would be the average amount that the family should jointly earn to sustain the financial demands of such family?

The family has an average lifestyle.
It all depends on the kind of work the parents have. Employed parents with good salaries guarantee a better life for children. $1,700 could be enough for the 4 of them including the bills, gasoline, food and kids needs.
That's really much in your country. This scares some of us from ever thinking of having a family. It is not a little financial responsibility.
That's really much in your country. This scares some of us from ever thinking of having a family. It is not a little financial responsibility.
But there are also families here with two children who managed to live within their means and can send their kids to school. Schools here are free except for private colleges and universities.
When it comes to running a family, money can't be overemphasized.

For an average family of two children all under 10 years old, what do you think would be the average amount that the family should jointly earn to sustain the financial demands of such family?

The family has an average lifestyle.
In India the monthly income should be at least Rs. 1lakh to run an average family with two children. That's the reason couples nowadays are having a single child to make life more comfortable.
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