What type of business funding do you prefer?


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There are so many types of business funding sources. For me l would like funding my business with my savings or money given to me as grants by the family members. There are some other ways for the same like loans, crowdfunding among others.
What about you?
I prefer funding my business with savings I have gotten working on other places or if I have the opportunity win some grants, then it would be an awesome way as well.
Funding your business with a loan is like ditching your business to indebtedness that may lead to eventually bankruptcy. Business funded with your own savings is the best option for that matter.
Yes, Business funded with your own savings is the best option. Unless you want to start owing then you can take a loan
Yes, Business funded with your own savings is the best option. Unless you want to start owing then you can take a loan
That's true, a lot of persons tend to go for loan most times cause they consider it to be a lot faster compared to when you save up yourself for the business.
That's true, a lot of persons tend to go for loan most times cause they consider it to be a lot faster compared to when you save up yourself for the business.
Yes, when you use your money you wouldn't panic or be anxious about how you would pay back adding more stress to running the business
Yes, when you use your money you wouldn't panic or be anxious about how you would pay back adding more stress to running the business
Exactly there is always this peace of mind that comes along with it.
In my case, I prefer to fund my business with my own money. I do not want to take out a loan since it can cause problems later on.
This is the best choice for me. With this I can have peace of mind.
I won't even consider any kind of loans to fund my business. It ain't worth it at all. I would rather save to start my business.
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