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What would convince you to join a new paid to post site?

I don't even think it would be easy for me to be convinced to join a new Paid to Post site unless it is owned by current sets of Paid to Post admins that are credible.
Mainly, 3 factors:
1) creative writing opportunities and/or, in any way, welcomed arts and crafts or, in any way, financial themes
2) a reasonable pay rate
3) a payment method available in my country
4) whenever it's possible to be known, the reputation of the owner (I understand this specific factor isn't easy when the owner is a newbie in the web, so I would give an opportunity to the new forum if I won't lack free time)
If the owner doesn't have a pedigree already in the paid to post sphere, all other factors don't even make sense to me and I won't join.
Unfortunately, when the owner is a new entry, it's pretty impossible to know his/her pedigree. In such a case, the decision to join strongly depends on the circumstances of each one. If we have enough free time and we urge money, but our current online earnings are not enough to meet ends, maybe we'd take the risk to join the newbie site.
There are many factors to consider. I learned many good businesses which led me to manage a milk tea selling business. I learned the right investment instruments, about stocks and I have now invested on local stocks. I learned crypto, Bitcoins and all coins. It's through RIF and DBucks that I earned extra income.
Besides the fact that the site is paying, another thing I would consider is if I we be able to work on the site and quicky make money.
In order to make money quickly, a small threshold is essential (for ex., a 2 dollars or even less, 1 dollar threshold, easy to reach quickly). Unfortunately, such a threshold is becoming more and more rare, due to Paypal fees.
In order to make money quickly, a small threshold is essential (for ex., a 2 dollars or even less, 1 dollar threshold, easy to reach quickly). Unfortunately, such a threshold is becoming more and more rare, due to Paypal fees.
Yes that's true, gone are the days you could easily make a dollar in a single day.
For me when the earning rates are good with a legit site l can join that with ease.
How do you prove and ascertain if the site is legit when it is just a new site?
BorisKirwaLatest member