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What would success look like


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Nov 11, 2023
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There are many paths to success. A strong leader knows that the first, second, and even third plans may not work out. They focus on the encouragement and empowerment of their team, keeping them energized as they work towards the end goal.

This is where agility is most important. If you have a clear vision of what a successful outcome looks like, and you’re not too attached to how you get there, you have a greater chance of achieving it. The contingent theory emphasizes this type of leader behavior. It helps teams respond quickly under changing conditions to meet the goal.

Perhaps the biggest strength of this leadership style is that it empowers other people within the organization to step up and lead. These leaders manage by delegating responsibility to others. They give their direct reports opportunities to grow even as they work to complete tasks. Individuals on the team grow their communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and other core leadership competencies. Transformational leaders tend to be the most adept at this. They coach their teams “on the field” to improve their skills as they achieve outsized results.
Success is a personalized summit where fulfillment coincides with objectives. It emanates from goals met, continual growth, important connections made, and a pleased spirit. It's the harmonious melody of achievement in the unique symphony of life.
Success! Many are dead before achieving their goals, why many give up on their way when they don't know they're almost there, so, success would be like a mango tree that's planted by a person, so he will have to wait for years before getting the fruit from it, but when the year come and finally have to pluck from the tree, then he will remember when it was begin.
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