What would you never compromise on as an entrepreneur?


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Sep 21, 2023
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We all have our ethics and morals, as an entrepreneur, what would you never compromise on? Personally one thing i would never compromise on is my morals. I would never do or go into anything that is not legal or legit simply because i want to make money from it.
One thing i will never compromise as an entrepreneur is to make false claim just to make money! I hate lying and is against my moral and i will never tolerate or involve in making false claim just to make money. Personally, i find it difficult to lie and my conscience will not allow me to lie to make money.
False claims and lies are not only immoral but also not sustainable in a long run. One can get a temporary benefit or profit by these false claims, but then once consumers catch the lie , the business falls flat. It's very hard to regain a reputation once it is tarnished. So, it's always advisable to stick to the moral and ethical ways.
I have vowed that I would never compromise on quality of my products as an entrepreneur. If it gets to a point that I can't maintain the level of quality, I would just stop production than soil my name.
That's right I hope all entrepreneurs would think this way. One way of boosting your reputation as a good business builder is to put only quality products in place. You would effortlessly make sales
We all have our ethics and morals, as an entrepreneur, what would you never compromise on? Personally one thing i would never compromise on is my morals. I would never do or go into anything that is not legal or legit simply because i want to make money from it.

I would never compromise on many different things as an entrepreneur. For example, as an entrepreneur, I would never compromise on saving money. This is because saving money is one of the most essential things an entrepreneur need to do.
In my view, an entrepreneur may compromise on everything EXCEPT the quest to consistently provide her customers with high quality services and products. By adopting this strategy, a businessperson becomes assured that her venture will continue to be sustainable and profitable into the future.
Integrity and core beliefs are things I value a lot. It's also why I'm having issues in my current place of work because I feel people are being charged unfairly sometimes.

It's unfortunately the norm here and I've gotten a bad reputation for trying to change things.
I also don't want to sell my moral and dignity for a money, i really don't want to make something bad that will stay in my mind for life time and makes me fell bad about my self for a money.
This should be the mindset of all entrepreneurs. We just have to be honest and open to all to maintain our customers
I can't compromise on being transparent in my business. I won't ever try to manipulate or lie to a customer in order to get patronage. It always backfires.
Yesh we always have to be as transparent as we shouldn't be in business. One will fare better this way
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