Which do you find more interesting, heaven or reincarnation?

For me i would also go with the aspect of reincarnation. I have been hearing so many tales about this, there are does who believe in reincarnation and they actually believe they have been reincarnated multiple times.
It would be reincarnation for me. I'm very intrigued by the idea that the soul could be able to return in the form of an animal or a newborn child in order to maintain its immortality.

How about you?
I really want to go to heaven, from the good book it says that heaven is an amazing place and its very safe and there is no hunger no war no bad things, so i want to rest in heaven.
I understand that reincarnation is much more interesting, but we all understand that we would not remember our past life, while it makes no sense to me because we are also living now and do not know what happened before we were born. I would rather choose heaven
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