Which Do You Prefer, Ocean or Mountains? Why?

Oct 2, 2023
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Going on vacation is the best thing I look forward to. This is to take a rest from the busy schedule. How I wish I can get all my PTO approved right away. But if I have the chance to go on vacation, I like to spend it with friends or alone, it does not matter. As long as I can go to a place where I can rest.

If I have to choose, I would go somewhere near the ocean. Though I like both ocean and mountain. I like the idea of the mountain so I can feel I am close to nature. But the sound of the waves calm my mind and give me peace.

How about you, which do you prefer?
Choosing between the two was difficult because I adore both mountains and oceans. But I suppose I'll have to head for the mountains because it's so hot these days. I wish to avoid sunburn. So mountains are for me, as I am also planning to go mountain hiking one of these days. and nothing beats a cool mountain breeze in hot weather 😊.
I prefer mountains. I live near beaches and seas and have become a deep sea swimmer so I won't anymore choose the sea to spend some days vacation. I like to look around the mountain, look at the river flowing, the brook babbling and birds chirping. I like to see wildflowers chant me and forget the past and present.
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