• Important Update from the Founder: After a year of growth, changes are coming to Discussion Bucks. Read the full announcement here.

  • Just a heads-up: I'll be updating the site on Saturday, September 21, 2024, around 7 PM Eastern Time. The site will be temporarily offline during this process, but I'll make sure to back everything up before starting. Thanks fords8!

Which system has more users Android or iOS?

I believe there are more Android users in our country since many Android phones are reasonably priced. Many consumers are hesitant to invest money on an iPhone due to its high cost. They also like the fact that Android phones have few restrictions.
Most people are using Android phones since they are much cheaper than the Iphones. Only well off people and salaried people can afford Iphones, those who want cheap phones use Android phones.
In my country majority of people are using Android phone, in my relatives if I count then out of 100 users only 5 are using iphone.
Also in my country, most peoples use android and only those who are rich use iPhone, but in my house almost everyone have Samsung phone.
Here in the U.S., probably iOS because of how popular Apple products are.
It is a natural thing for Americans to want to patronize products that both the hardware and software are from America. For android devices, only the OS which is owned by Google is from America. So many brands from other countries are the one making the hardware and American sentiments don't favour them.

But I don't like the way America treated Huawei.
Android have much more users since it is free software and as such is present on much more devices. IOS is present on much expensive devices.
True, most Android phones are budget phones, and they are affordable, and most people use those phones, but since many people can't afford iPhones, they have a smaller user base than Android.
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