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Why are assembled computers recommended by some sellers?


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Literary Virtuoso
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Oct 20, 2023
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I wanted to purchase a second hand branded computer, but the seller said that the branded computers are not suitable, an assembled computer will be better, he can offer a warranty. Why are assembled computers recommended by some sellers, does anyone know?
I prefer to buy a brand new computer Those assembled won't last long. The spare parts might be assembled too and overused. They might be good at the beginning but after some months the unit won't anymore function.
You are lucky that you can afford to purchase a new branded computer. Due to government slavery and financial fraud in the internet sector, I am making a huge loss this year and I am forced to purchase the cheapest computer available for the computer work.
You are lucky that you can afford to purchase a new branded computer. Due to government slavery and financial fraud in the internet sector, I am making a huge loss this year and I am forced to purchase the cheapest computer available for the computer work.
I'm sorry to always hear bad reputation of your government. It's a government against the people. It's also okay to buy second hand because there is warranty.
There are several advantages if you buy an assembled computer, such as a cheaper price, you can also choose according to the desired specifications, an assembled computer is also easier to repair and spare parts are widely available from almost all computer repair shops.
There are several advantages if you buy an assembled computer, such as a cheaper price, you can also choose according to the desired specifications, an assembled computer is also easier to repair and spare parts are widely available from almost all computer repair shops.
Ten years ago, I bought an assembled computer through the recommendation of my friend despite I was not happy. And I was not wrong because that computer lasted only some months. It blurred and the screen was so dim to mean defective. I no longer utilize the warranty but bought a new one . I will never buy second-hand computer.
Ten years ago, I bought an assembled computer through the recommendation of my friend despite I was not happy. And I was not wrong because that computer lasted only some months. It blurred and the screen was so dim to mean defective. I no longer utilize the warranty but bought a new one . I will never buy second-hand computer.
This means that you have been cheated by buying an assembled computer with low specifications. The benefits of buying an assembled computer will be more expensive than a branded computer if you choose high specifications and only use trusted components, not fake components.
This means that you have been cheated by buying an assembled computer with low specifications. The benefits of buying an assembled computer will be more expensive than a branded computer if you choose high specifications and only use trusted components, not fake components.
I did not have any idea about the specifications because I relied on my friend who was an IT graduate and teacher of IT subjects. I think he missed it. But it's okay I also learned something out of that.
There are a lots of desktops that is assembled in my country, they came as a parts of computers and assembled inhere and they have very chip price compared to those original ones. they are used for elementary schools and also for exam centers, since they are only used to do little things.
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