Why dies some forums require word limits on title of threads?

King Belieal

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Oct 1, 2023
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I noticed this especially on Trendri. They often require that the character count for title of threads should not be more than 60. It could be frustrating when your thread title is more than 60 characters. You now have to trim it and it could probably lose the catch and the essence.

Why does Trendri require character count on titles of threads?
It is probably a software requirement of the forum software which is used. The software developer will often limit the character count in the title while coding so that it takes up only one row.
I joined trendri and to this day I still don't really understand how to score there, I found it very difficult and difficult to get scores.
I joined too and I got to understand that you would have to make a certain number of posts and topics to be verified. Feeling less motivated to work there but I would still try bit by bit
I noticed this especially on Trendri. They often require that the character count for title of threads should not be more than 60. It could be frustrating when your thread title is more than 60 characters. You now have to trim it and it could probably lose the catch and the essence.

Why does Trendri require character count on titles of threads?
I think is because of SEO. A theme that is more than 60 word count is likely not to catch attention and will lose essence. Long tail keywords which is more preferable in SEO should be around that count of 60. I think the forum owner knows what he is doing.
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