Why Do We Save Money?

Oct 2, 2023
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Make sure to make savings an automatic action. Save at least the 10 percent of your salary or what you earn from your business.

We save money because it is the right thing to do. We save money in order to secure our saving account is healthy. Of course we don't want to have financial problems. If we encounter such, we can have peace of mind that we have an emergency funds.

How much do you save? If you say you can't save money today, watch for your expenses. If possible learn to cut expenses. Do not buy stuff that you don't need. Stop buying that you want - buy those that you only need.
When it comes to reasons as to why we save, there are so many reasons and each and everyone of us have our reasons. For me, one major reason is cause I do not want to be broke, so I can have extra to invest on other things.
I save money for future emergencies, travel, and other expenses. And also, I don't like having no money in case of an emergency, as I hate to ask for it.
Yes I save approximately 30% of my salary every month. Its always essential to save your money as today there is always an uncertainty when you require money and when at some stage you don't have money when you require it , it feels bad
When it comes to reasons as to why we save, there are so many reasons and each and everyone of us have our reasons. For me, one major reason is cause I do not want to be broke, so I can have extra to invest on other things.
That is a good reason to save. Not wanting to be broke. And also, another is you are able to put something for investments. Which is another good thing for you.
In some countries, experience is not valued, and older citizens do not get any paid work at all or are exploited, especially if they are from poorer communities, So it is necessary to have savings to lead the life you want.
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