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Why firewood business won't be profitable during rainy season


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Nov 6, 2023
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When it comes to rainy season, so many businesses find it difficult to achieve success because of everyday rain. The same thing applies to firewood business, it won't progress. Why I'm saying this is that during rainy season, so many people will prefer to fill their cylinder with gas and use it for cooking instead of firewood. Can you see this reason with me?
The firewood will be wet by then and there will be no how to light up a wet firewood
Firewood is still used in rainy seasons depending on the community. Some people don't have access to charcoal or gas to cook with, so they come up with strategies to ensure that their firewood is kept well for heating when the weather is cold.
Firewood business won’t be profitable during rainy season because at times people use to buy the firewood hoping it will good or be effective for setting fire but, unfortunately, some firewood are not good enough because there was not sun to dry it the way it suppose dry
In my place, the people that really patronize firewood are events chefs. And there are always less frequency of events during the rainy season. Generally, most businesses are slow during rainy season.
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