Will you end your relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend if they are financially uneducated?


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Oct 3, 2023
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I recently read a story before going to bed, where a guy talked about his girlfriend, who quit her job due to stress and a low salary. The man has taken on the responsibility of providing for her, including taking her to fancy restaurants (at the request of her girlfriend), doing grocery shopping, arranging transportation, and pampering her with weekly mani/pedi sessions. However, the girlfriend appears to be a scammer, as she downloaded loan applications on her smartphone and took out a loan without any intention of paying it back. She even went ahead and deleted the loan apps and changed her phone number to avoid the lenders' calls. If I were in the man's shoes, I would break up with her, as she is not financially literate but a fraudster. If I get married to such a person, things could get worse. What would you do if you were in the guy's situation?
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Personally I don't see this as a good enough reason to end a relationship though. If you feel your partner is not educated enough when it comes to the financial aspect, then you can simply educate them.
That kind of girlfriend is a financial liability and I can't go close to such a girl. There are certain things you shouldn't tolerate as a man because you are a leader and one of such is lady that is a financial liability.
Personally I don't see this as a good enough reason to end a relationship though. If you feel your partner is not educated enough when it comes to the financial aspect, then you can simply educate them.

The girl is said to be a fraudster. She knows she is doing bad things just to acquire money. What would you do if you found out that your girlfriend was a fraudster?
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If you love the person then you can have a talk with the person
Let them have the training and education that will helpful than ending the friendship.

What if the person you love turns out to be a fraudster, continuously engaging in bad activities to acquire money? They refuse to work and instead rely on deceiving people. What would you do in such a situation?
The girl is said to be a fraudster. She knows she is doing bad things just to acquire money. What would you do if you found out that your girlfriend was a fraudster?
The best choice would be to let the girl go and move on to a better person.
I think this can happen, but I would definitely try to teach it first. But if a person continues to do this and even spends my money, then there is no other way because it will destroy both of us

It is important to try and educate them about how their behavior is affecting you. You can also offer to help them change their behavior, but if things do not improve, it may be time to consider ending the relationship for your own well-being.
The decision to terminate a relationship due to financial disparities, or educational disparities depends on those involved as well as the environment. Financial compatibility is important in a relationship for it prevents stress and conflict. The key factors to consider before making any decisions are communication, support, compatibility and assessing the impact on the relationship.
The decision to terminate a relationship due to financial disparities, or educational disparities depends on those involved as well as the environment. Financial compatibility is important in a relationship for it prevents stress and conflict. The key factors to consider before making any decisions are communication, support, compatibility and assessing the impact on the relationship.

It is a fact that financial compatibility is essential in any relationship. Without it, there is a high probability of stress and disagreements that can lead to undesirable outcomes.
Personally I must say no, rather we need to educate these types of people. If the other person is doing it un intentionally then there mush room remain for improvement.
Have you seen that type of partner whom extravagance has been ingrained into her DNA? No matter what you do to teach him or her, it won't work.
I recently read a story before going to bed, where a guy talked about his girlfriend, who quit her job due to stress and a low salary. The man has taken on the responsibility of providing for her, including taking her to fancy restaurants (at the request of her girlfriend), doing grocery shopping, arranging transportation, and pampering her with weekly mani/pedi sessions. However, the girlfriend appears to be a scammer, as she downloaded loan applications on her smartphone and took out a loan without any intention of paying it back. She even went ahead and deleted the loan apps and changed her phone number to avoid the lenders' calls. If I were in the man's shoes, I would break up with her, as she is not financially literate but a fraudster. If I get married to such a person, things could get worse. What would you do if you were in the guy's situation?
Been financial illiterate is difference from been a scammer. From your post, it seems the girl is a scammer. I will not marry a scammer business a scammer is a criminal minded person. But i will marry financial illiterate because it is simply lack of knowledge.
I have had to date someone that doesn't know how to make decisions with financial considerations and I have to say that even though she had lots of money, she was always in debts which I always had to help clear off.
There would be an excruciating pain in case your boyfriend will be smashed out from your life because he lacks education and knowhow in business. In my case, I can educate my boyfriend and if he is not willing, then better part your ways.
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