Worst Financial Decision You've Ever Made


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Oct 7, 2023
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Experience they say is the best teacher, and almost everyone will make a bad financial decision at one point. Some decisions can be so bad that they cripple you financially for a long while.

Looking back, my worst was not holding onto the Bitcoin I got for cheap in 2020. I sold everything early in the bull run and I'm yet to recover.
Making payment to some freelancers in 2011-12 was the worst financial decision I made, since the freelancers are falsely claiming to do all the work online since then and getting government jobs with monthly salaries, when they refused to reply after 2012, and did not do any work at all.
Selling over 15k LTC around $0.67 to discover 3 months later they reached $22 each.
For the same reason, I got invested in BCN and at this point I don't care what the news/rumors says about BCN, I am keeping those no matter what. :)
I have made a worst decision three months ago. I met a trader, she was introduced to and she was very good at luring me which is why I was convinced. I traded an initial deposit of $ 300 but after that, I was told to upgrade to $ 500 which was impossible for me to believe. My money wasn't returned. I regretted but too late.
Experience they say is the best teacher, and almost everyone will make a bad financial decision at one point. Some decisions can be so bad that they cripple you financially for a long while.

Looking back, my worst was not holding onto the Bitcoin I got for cheap in 2020. I sold everything early in the bull run and I'm yet to recover.
These worst financial decisions are just there for us to learn so as to make right decisions In future but we surely can't change the past, it only prepares us for the future.
For me I think the worse decision I made was investing in forex trading when I have little to no idea about how forex trading works. I ended up losing all my startup capital.
The worst decision I've made was believing on a Forex trader agent. The way she convinced me very strong, igniting, which is why I lost $100 instantly as an initial pay and then she asked for more intended for the upgrading which amounted to $300. At this point I realized it's a scam. I can't find my account in Forex trading. Feedback from people were all negative. .
The worst financial decision I have made was resigning from a good paying job to go to school for a degree. And I have gotten the degree now, the job is gone forever.
Well, you might think so but I think you did the right thing by investing in your self. hopefully a better job will come.
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