Would you prefer to live in a big city or a rural area?

Jan 13, 2024
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In this post, you can compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city or in a rural area, such as quality of life, cost of living, opportunities, challenges, culture, leisure, safety, environment environment, etc. You can also talk about your personal experience, your preferences and your plans for the future.
For me I don't mind living anywhere, the most important thing is that I should have access to everything I need with ease and there should be good network and constant power supply. If a rural place can give me this then I don't mind.
I believe this post should be moved to a different section:) Regardless, both have benefits and drawbacks. I currently live in a rural place, and I enjoy the peace and quiet it gives. I like that the traffic isn't as bad as in the city.
The best thing is to live in rural places without the noise of big cities, just calm, this is really good.
The main problem living in small towns is the high levels of financial fraud, those who are well connected will falsely claim to own the savings, have the resume of migrant professionals who have lived in big cities.
In this post, you can compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city or in a rural area, such as quality of life, cost of living, opportunities, challenges, culture, leisure, safety, environment environment, etc. You can also talk about your personal experience, your preferences and your plans for the future.
Rural areas give you fresh food and air but all the modern amenities and educational facilities can only be found in cities.
From my early age I live in a big city, basically we are used to the facilities which we get here. I lived for some time in rural area, there I felt deeply the environment the loving environment with fresh air and greenery, but we are almost addicted with big cities.
From my early age I live in a big city, basically we are used to the facilities which we get here. I lived for some time in rural area, there I felt deeply the environment the loving environment with fresh air and greenery, but we are almost addicted with big cities.
It's really addictive because it's easy to have everything in your hands, but the good thing about a rural city is that everyone knows the residents, plus the environment is much more pleasant and free from the violence of big cities.
During my life, I always have lived in small cities, but my dream is the countryside because I love animals and landscapes full of greeneries. But the disadvantage is how expensive is to live in the countryside because in my country it's compulsory to own a well equipped car (to move along bumpy roads). In my country, it's terribly expensive to maintain whatever car.
I live in the city. I enjoy my life here, it's near malls, church, bowling lanes, fast food centers and more. We also have ancestral home in the province which I also love. It's peaceful, air fresh, fruits and vegetables fresh . People there are having unity and understanding.
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