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    - Fords8

You followed misguided advice putting your investment at risk

Sep 25, 2023
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There is good advice despite knowing it is not a good way to invest because of the risk, the prices keep going up and you still continue buying stocks because you were advised that by next week, your profit will double, so without thinking, you go on investing. Misguided advice is one of the biggest reasons people lose money and have a failing portfolio. Know what you are buying, why you are buying it, the story that hooked you, and the story to keep you invested or make you divest. If your family advises you not to proceed with what you were told, you have to listen to them and weigh everything before putting your money down to the final negotiations. Following tips is okay but do the work when investing. If you want to give it a gamble, that’s also okay. Just make sure you know when to exit. It is never good to miss a shot to make a good profit because you do not know where it will land to lose or profit more.

Even though I read a lot of articles about stocks, I am not influenced by fomo, such as stocks from AA companies will go up next week, of course we have to check whether they are blue chip stocks or just tier 3 stocks, whether the increase in stocks from AA companies is due to a pump by whales or from company performance. On the internet there are many articles that mislead novice investors.
If we have to use expert advice for every stock we want to buy, how much the expert fee must be paid is not commensurate with the profit from the stock, so we will lose first, teach yourself to analyze stocks in depth.
That's ridiculous, that surely happens the pay alone is risk. It's better to attend trainings to be sure.
Currently there are many free stock courses online, so we can learn stocks starting from the basics, we can also join a community of experienced stock traders.
I am planning to do it when I am not busy at work. It's good to listen on how to do it to get enough education on stocks. That's a sure way to evade extreme risks.
Though it is very important to seek the advice of others, but this is also why we need to be careful the kind of advice we take, and who we go to for advice.
That is true, there are many fake advisors this time wanting only money from us but the advice never happens. They fly away once obtain the money from us. We better watch YouTube.
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