Have you ever tried buying followers? | Discussion Bucks

Have you ever tried buying followers?


Discussion Guru
Literary Virtuoso
Oct 3, 2023
D Bucks
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There are individuals who make the decision to purchase followers with the intention of increasing their social media following. However, the act of purchasing followers is not recommended as it lacks authenticity. It is advisable to obtain organic followers. It is important to note that purchased followers may eventually unfollow your account. To avoid such a scenario, it is recommended that you focus on creating interesting and appealing content that will attract organic followers. Organic followers are genuine and have a higher likelihood of engaging with your content.
Even though I have several social media accounts, I have never bought followers. According to the news I have read, the followers we buy are very different from the followers we get naturally, the followers we buy mostly don't respond to reviews or new posts.
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Even though I have several social media accounts, I have never bought followers. According to the news I have read, the followers we buy are very different from the followers we get naturally, the followers we buy mostly don't respond to reviews or new posts.
True, the followers we buy are simply just playing their part and would not be active on your timeline after buying. Getting followers naturally on the other hand, means these people followed you cause they like your content hence it would be easier for them to engage in your content.
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There are individuals who make the decision to purchase followers with the intention of increasing their social media following. However, the act of purchasing followers is not recommended as it lacks authenticity. It is advisable to obtain organic followers. It is important to note that purchased followers may eventually unfollow your account. To avoid such a scenario, it is recommended that you focus on creating interesting and appealing content that will attract organic followers. Organic followers are genuine and have a higher likelihood of engaging with your content.
Short answer: No, never tried buying followers.
Long answer: No and never will I try to buy followers. It is far better than find them organically than to buy them.
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I have never bought followers. I believe bought followers are just bots and you might not get any reaction from them.as they will not be engaging so it's a waste of money.
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Even though I have several social media accounts, I have never bought followers. According to the news I have read, the followers we buy are very different from the followers we get naturally, the followers we buy mostly don't respond to reviews or new posts.
That's correct. They follow you, but they do not engage with your postings, therefore they will soon unfollow.
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True, the followers we buy are simply just playing their part and would not be active on your timeline after buying. Getting followers naturally on the other hand, means these people followed you cause they like your content hence it would be easier for them to engage in your content.
You're correct. They won't interact with your posts. On the other hand, if they are organic followers, they will comment or like your posts because they are relevant or interesting.
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Short answer: No, never tried buying followers.
Long answer: No and never will I try to buy followers. It is far better to find them organically than to buy them.
I could not agree more. Buying followers is not recommended. It lacks authenticity.
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Don't do this. You will probably get fake accounts run by bot. Social media tools and ad network tools easy discover it.
You are right, my friend. Social media will detect it sooner or later.
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I have never bought followers. I believe bought followers are just bots and you might not get any reaction from them.as they will not be engaging so it's a waste of money.
Yes, I think so, too. They are bots and social
media has a way of detecting whether you have organic followers or not. If you want a huge following for personal or business, make sure to create relevant content.
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Am against buying followers. If your followers are not organically grown, it will not benefit your business. If you want to have followers better start creating quality and valuable contents. Social media platforms is now seriously monitoring how you get your followers.
I have never bought followers on any of my social media accounts and never will. I really don't know why some people want to have so many followers to the extent that they need to buy some of them. It never bothers me if I have many or a few followers; as long as I enjoy my past time on social media, that's fine with me.
I tried to do the same because I did not know then what consequences it could cause. Fortunately, I managed to avoid serious punishment, but my account was temporarily blocked
There's no logic why buy followers. It's like vote buying during election. For ne66 it's like cheating in broad daylight.
Never. I always have preferred spontaneous followers. Purchased followers, in addition, are likely to become inactive soon, so the purchasing would turn in a waste of money.
There is no reason why but followers that's insane. If the reason is to have a heavy traffic of the website, well, calculate your expenses and your profit find out if you have even a break even.