Do you think the owner of RIF should just close the forum down? | Page 2 | Discussion Bucks

Do you think the owner of RIF should just close the forum down?

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I would rather refuse to say much not to sound insensitive. Let's just hope everything is restored within a month. If not, I would personally also advocate for RIF to be closed down.
I like RIF a lot then but no longer now. Jordan isn't stable and it's affecting the site. We need new management on the site
I pity the site and I miss RIF. Hoping @Jordan can visit his site and know what's going on so he can renew the web hosting site. It's almost two weeks now.I think it will be two weeks tomorrow:cry:
It's unfortunate that Jordan's website has been down for nearly two weeks now, and I hope he recovers soon. I know he's worried about it, but once he's back on his feet, I hope he'll turn his attention to fixing the website. It would be great if he could also be transparent about whether the site will still pay members for their contributions.
I used to be active on it but right now it's not the same at all I mean it's still there but at the same time it's not
Let's pray for Jordan and the site. The site has really faced this kind of situation several times and that cannot be a right thing for any professional site.
Hope that Jordan recovers from his sickness soon. His health has been going through a rough patch. Looking at the past records, he has always cleared the payments. It can be delayed due to various reasons but he pays it off. Let's hope that he will do it as soon as he comes back from hospital.
In my opinion, it does not need to be closed because this forum looks very nice and in my opinion it has a good system, however, due to the fact that there are no other managers except Jordan, this site cannot work as before. I have a few ideas to restore the forum to its previous state, but I think Jordan is already thinking about closing it
I definitely don’t think he should close it. It’s an established community, so that wouldn’t make much sense.
Many people are of the view that since it is already going on and off, it should be closed down. I just wish it could have a long stretch of uptime to boost the confidence of people.
I don't know if shutting down the site will be among Jordan's plans, but it's true that the site works very intermittently and there seem to be very few updates.
Well, I think the admin is still on top of things as he has paid people. So we can still start to connect on the site.
In my opinion, it does not need to be closed because this forum looks very nice and in my opinion it has a good system, however, due to the fact that there are no other managers except Jordan, this site cannot work as before. I have a few ideas to restore the forum to its previous state, but I think Jordan is already thinking about closing it
Oh! That would be unfortunate if he closes it. The site has been pretty popular and it is quite user friendly. Reviving it with some support and updates would be a better call than completely shutting it down. Has Jordan announced somewhere that he is planning to shut it down completely? I hope that he doesn't.
Well, I think the admin is still on top of things as he has paid people. So we can still start to connect on the site.
Let us wait for the new thing coming on RIF. It is very suspicious. RIF isn't strong but it is fighting. Dunno its downside.
Jordan said in a thread yesterday that he's not going to close RIF.
Jordan said in a thread yesterday that he's not going to close RIF.
That's a great news. Many were anticipating about the same. Good that he has cleared the air. Yes, the site has faced issues few times and that's not good. But we all would agree that it was a strong and popular site and we all have earned well there. Hopefully, the new thing is something positive and exciting for the users.
With @Cam, I can bet my kidney that the forum is in safe hands. I think @Jordan did a diligent work on selecting the person he sells the forum to very well. Kudos @Jordan and welcome @Cam.
There is still no service provided forum promotion to index forum or reverse after admin @Cam confirmation but it would be the time for selling FC to @Cam or forumcoin for some crypto funds if I win 1300 FC on forum coin contest.
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There is still no service provided forum promotion to index forum or reverse after admin @Cam confirmation but it would be the time for selling FC to @Cam or forumcoin for some crypto funds if I win 1300 FC on forum coin contest.
Even though I have both a RIF account and a promotion forum, I am only active on RIF, reportedly @Jordan has sold RIF to @Cam, and I hope RIF can be even more successful.
It send like the owner of RIF is going through some personal issues and it is affecting the RIF site. This is a site that was once the toast of the paid posting world.

Seems like the personal challenges of the owner is really telling. Do you think ye owner should just close RIF down so that he himself, and the users can have peace.
It was a good site to earn few months back and I have earned some good amount of money from it. From last few months I was away from the sites so could not check what's going on there but have heard from the people that's it's not doing good.
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