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2023 best gaming year?

Sep 28, 2023
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This year was awesome for gamers. A lot of new game releases reached us this year and more to come. I'm especially waiting for New Spider-Man and more. I don't play a lot of games right now because I'm busy, but it's still nice to know that you have something good to play. I prefer single-player games , but I do as well play multiplayer, even if rarely.
Yes i saw a lot of news and trailers about most of the games that came out this year. Its a pity i do not have any game console at the moment but hopefully i would have one some day.
I think this year has been a great year for the video game industry with great releases like the new zelda, Final fantasy XVI, the witcher 3, the new assassin creed and many more.
I think that this is definitely not the best year because so many games are not very cool, because the attention is very divided and some games will simply be left without it. In my opinion, it would be better if there were much fewer games, but they should be interesting and inexpensive
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