Always consider the financial capacity of your target audience before setting up your business.

Understanding the financial capacity of your target audience is crucial in determining the pricing strategy, marketing approach, and overall success of your business. By tailoring your products or services to meet the budget constraints of your customers, you can attract and retain a loyal customer base.
I have encountered the same case, a few years ago when I opened a food stall, many workers came for lunch, some even bought food when they were working overtime. However, the chef who had experience in the hotel asked to change the food stall into a restaurant, after changing, there were only two or three visitors a day, they were managers and above. Of course, the profit could not cover the operational costs which eventually closed.
I have encountered the same case, a few years ago when I opened a food stall, many workers came for lunch, some even bought food when they were working overtime. However, the chef who had experience in the hotel asked to change the food stall into a restaurant, after changing, there were only two or three visitors a day, they were managers and above. Of course, the profit could not cover the operational costs which eventually closed.
That was not a good idea. Just imagine the losses. Two or three customers cannot suffice expenses. What did you do? It is best to restore it to stall.
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