At what age did you start saving your money?

Sep 30, 2023
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Saving is a habit that should be learnt at a young age. The younger you learn it, the better it is. It makes you financially disciplined. I see many people complaining about not being able to save. No matter how less your income is, you should inculcate a habit to save a part of it. I started saving very young and I am glad that I did. I have always been into frugal and thoughtful spending of money because I grew up in a family where money was valued. I am frugal and not stingy. So, I never deprive myself from the luxuries and treats that I can afford and fully deserve after all the hardwork.
I had scholarship in college and being a topper throughout the college even got stipend for books and other stationary needs. My mom gave me allowance for other needs. I took tuition for two High school girls to earn some extra pocket money. I would enjoy well with my money and make sure that I saved a part of it. And at the end of the college, I had a decent amount saved that I could use for further Investment.
I started saving from my High school days from my allowances and the money gifts that I would get from elders on special occasions like my birthday or festivals.
At what age did you start saving?
I am not good in saving, I am good in spending. I can't remember practicing saving when I was young. But from this post I think I need to start now prioritizing how to save money. It is a good reminder to learn to save our money
I already practiced saving in elementary school since my father encouraged me to save and bought me a piggy bank, but I didn't take it seriously until I got to work. My viewpoint shifts after I get a job since I don't like having debt or taking loans.
I started saving money when I got my first job. I was never a big spender and always tried to save the largest part of my monthly salary in the bank account. I opened some fixed deposits in nationalized banks, but kept some liquid cash in the savings account, in case of any quick need
I already practiced saving in elementary school since my father encouraged me to save and bought me a piggy bank, but I didn't take it seriously until I got to work. My viewpoint shifts after I get a job since I don't like having debt or taking loans.

I never started saving money until I became a young man. The fact remains that saving money as a student is also quite hard. When you start working a full-time job, you may experience a lots of problems when it comes to saving money. You may need to run a household and this could be a big challenge.
I started saving money when I got my first job. I was never a big spender and always tried to save the largest part of my monthly salary in the bank account. I opened some fixed deposits in nationalized banks, but kept some liquid cash in the savings account, in case of any quick need
Even when I earned well to start with my career, I could never go for unnecessary expenditure. I was always conscious about money and valued it. Perhaps it became a part of me from young age. Later we got responsibilities. But glad that we saved. I am in mid forties and my elder daughter is in college and one getting ready for it..We enjoyed life with all the travel and other fun. And we did well with our finances. We were quite settled at young age and didn't face financial crisis by God's grace.
Though I can't really remember the exact age, but i started saving at a very early age. I remember the first time i saved was cause i needed to buy my own phone. It took me months though but i was able to. It was not a brand new phone but it was my pride back then.
I am not good in saving, I am good in spending. I can't remember practicing saving when I was young. But from this post I think I need to start now prioritizing how to save money. It is a good reminder to learn to save our money
Saving is important and once it becomes a habit, we get financially disciplined. I also like to spend money on the things that I like. I think that it's fully justified to spend as we deserve to enjoy our money. But I make sure that I do savings too. One never knows when any emergency or financial crisis might happen. Also we need to invest to grow our money.
Seems like most users here started saving at a young age
I am not good in saving, I am good in spending. I can't remember practicing saving when I was young. But from this post I think I need to start now prioritizing how to save money. It is a good reminder to learn to save our money

I think that almost all the people are really bad at saving money. I think that saving money at a larger level is very important. For example, you could do a lots of things in order to save money. This also includes using electricity appliances only when you need to do.
I started saving money at age 8. At 11, I started a small business selling candies at home. I used a piggy bank. I had 3 piggy banks and even this time I still have a piggy bank.

Well, there was a time when I saved a lots of money during my childhood. However, I ended up spending that money. Saving money as a kid is not that easy because you get a limited amount of money as pocket money.
I started saving money at age 8. At 11, I started a small business selling candies at home. I used a piggy bank. I had 3 piggy banks and even this time I still have a piggy bank.
That's pretty impressive. You learnt the importance of saving at such young age. And with time, it would have easily inculcated as a habit. I am sure that you don't have to put a conscious effort to save. It will come naturally to you. I had a piggy bank too from that age and I would keep adding money to it from whatever resources I got, mainly as cash gifts from elderly on occasions like birthday and festivals. And also, the ones that I saved from my pocket money. I broke the piggy banks at the age if 18, I had filled few of them. I collected enough money and I deposited them in my bank account when I opened one at legal age of 18. It was such a great feeling.
I started saving when I was 17 if I remember correctly, since from a young age my family instilled in me how important saving is to have healthy finances in the future.
It seems like most of us had our savings lessons early in the life and our piggy bank was a great way to start learning that important lesson. In this era of digital transactions, we don't have the same charm of piggy banks anymore. I really liked the thing that once our money was gone in the piggy bank, we had no other option but to kill our temptations to take it out to spend. That was a great way to teach us the financial discipline.
I started saving from my school days when I was way younger I know it used to be from my pocket money and the money gifts from other family members. it is good to save though
That's pretty awesome though. Back then i started saving while i was in school but i only usually save when i wanted to something. Like when i wanted to buy my first phone, i had to save to get one.
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