Brad P site owner of SCF returns 😁

Sep 25, 2023
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I was over the moon when I visited the site, Speak Chat Forum because the site owner returned. He explained there many things about his disappearance which is too long to elaborate here. He's been away since August 18 and just came back this day. He said he had personal problem and a priority to be attained to dunno if it was resolved . Just drop by there to know but the sure thing is, he won't pay people. 😔
Would you provide the link for those who don't know about the site? (like myself)
Sorry, that site now becomes a non-paying site. But you can try who knows if the site owner would decide to pay people. The link is in my laptop. I'm using my mobile phone. I'll share it to you tomorrow.
Speak Chat Forum would have been a great forum. It's just a pity that if its owner @Brad P already but at least with true honestly admits that he won't pay his users I don't think there will be many people present there. this unless he provides systems and strategies to earn even more on the web in a legal and tested way.
He emphasized in his post that whoever tasks about payment, the member will be automatically banned. It is better not to visit the site again, It is a waste of time and energy.
That's nice I would have to stop by after posting here. how about paying those he owed before now?
Sorry mate, he won't pay and he said whoever talks about payment will be kicked out from the site.
Lol kicked out from a non paying site. I would gladly leave. I have nothing to lose after all.
Yes he's wrong with his barking. He's barking up a wrong tree. People there already kicked out themselves after betraying them.
I was exited when i read the title, but i found out that the forum you mentioned don't pay,
Yes it's not a ptp forum site but there's an arrangement last June whoever register and accepted will get a pay of $18 a month fixed but it lasted only 2 payments and then the site was at large since August 18 and returned just yesterday.
So forgive me but I wonder, if this is the case, why did he reopen it??
The site was never closed hehe. He is the owner and he has the right to return. But he said those who keep on taking about payment will be banned.
The website may be getting some traffic and he may be interested in monetizing the website, or even selling the website. Many people are interested in purchasing forums with some members,
Yes it's not a ptp forum site but there's an arrangement last June whoever register and accepted will get a pay of $18 a month fixed but it lasted only 2 payments and then the site was at large since August 18 and returned just yesterday.
So if i get accepted will they pay me?
The site was never closed hehe. He is the owner and he has the right to return. But he said those who keep on taking about payment will be banned.
I see, so it will be a simple chat forum where each user can discuss freely but without demanding any payment, also because now Brad seems to have been sufficiently clear on this.
Thank you for informations
So he's back, well if he doesn't pay who cares anyway lol true, then ignore his site. When I referred 2 of my colleagues he even suspected that it's a multiple account and warned me. When I mentioned about not getting my payment he also warned me. He is an inconsistent fellow.
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