Can you handover your business entirely in the hands of another person to run?

Oct 3, 2023
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Some of us might have jobs or other important engagements that might suddenly take our time, even though we have already built a business.

In a situation like that, would you feel comfortable completely handing over your entire business for another person to run? What kind of person would you handover your business to?

For me, I would stretch myself and still give at least 40% to my business than hand it over entirely for another person to run.
I have seen practical disadvantages of this act, as my uncle was running a general store business and for some time he given his business to his close friend. Because he was going for tour outside the city when he return back he find it out that his business position was moving towards decline.
The person you hand your business to might not really understand what you have been through to drive the business to that level and might be careless with it. You must always be there to always administer your business by yourself.
I can't completely delegate responsibility for the business. I must still be present to assist or guide. It's better that way. However, I'm open to recommendations. I'm looking forward to hearing his or her suggestions, as they can aid improve the business.
It will depend on the situation and the reason why you want to transfer the business to someone. One who has started the business and built it up haa put on a lot of sweat and blood into it. It would not be easy to let it go to some undeserving hands.
It will depend on the situation and the reason why you want to transfer the business to someone. One who has started the business and built it up haa put on a lot of sweat and blood into it. It would not be easy to let it go to some undeserving hands.
Sometimes, higher or very important responsibilities call for you to leave your business. A friend of mine has built a thriving business. She started when she was 18. The business has grown and stabilized and it is six years old now. But the founder is pregnant and can't cope any longer. She has to handover the business entirely to one of her workers and just hope.
At the moment I cannot do this,cause my business is still delicate and the truth is that I have not found anyone I can even trust to run it. This is what I am going through right now, I am out of town to do an outside job, someone contacted me last night for a job she needs by Wednesday. I had to turn it down cause I had no one at home to help me run my business.
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