ChatGPT can write codes

Oct 4, 2023
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One of my friend told me that ChatGPT can write codes. I disagreed with until i checked it myself, to my greatest surprise, the AI write codes for me. Though there are few errors here and there, but i will give it a credit for writing such complex code with minor errors. With time, programmers and other online technologists will be displaced from work!
I have actually used Chat GPT to generate a code for an analytics app I needed to to run. There were a few bugs here and there. Had to use Gemini to debug it. You can combine three Large Language models to generate codes, correct them and viola, you are building an app.
That sounds really cool. I might have to give it a go myself or recommend it to my friend who is interested in app development. However, it is nerve-wracking to think about the potential job loss that could come with it for a lot of people.
It amazes me that ChatGPT is capable of so much and it does make me wonder just how much more it will be capable of in a few months or even years from now.

I guess you will always get errors with AI, but if you understand, it is something you can probably fix.
I am not a programmer so I don't use ChatGPT to write codes but I have used ChatGPT to write codes that I have used on my websites. I mainly use Chatton generate content or do research on the topics I am writing
It amazes me that ChatGPT is capable of so much and it does make me wonder just how much more it will be capable of in a few months or even years from now.

I guess you will always get errors with AI, but if you understand, it is something you can probably fix.
The code could contain a lot of bugs that need to manually be corrected because it could help to do half of work and half of work is done by you.
This is not the first time I have heard people talk about this before, but I have never tried it before since it's not my skills.
It is not required to do that since you could even see a video demonstration on YouTube about how it is going to work or a Facebook post or something like that as a promotional video to an AI company.
However, it is nerve-wracking to think about the potential job loss that could come with it for a lot of people.
I agree. Programmers and technologists will likely need to adapt and learn how to work alongside AI rather than be replaced by it entirely.
I agree. Programmers and technologists will likely need to adapt and learn how to work alongside AI rather than be replaced by it entirely.
They could prettify the code or give another approach or work on an AI company as a bug fixer means it could still be some work for the developers.
They could prettify the code or give another approach or work on an AI company as a bug fixer means it could still be some work for the developers.
Programmers can focus on refining and optimizing code, finding new approaches to solving problems, or working on AI systems as bug fixers.
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