Cut down on expenses

Sep 25, 2023
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We all know that the previous problems in the past year are connected to the present. There is nothing new under the sun and no matter how you shoot your chances to a better life, it is still hard. We need to harbor stressful, endeavors to avoid extreme hunger that may lead to depression if can't find solutions to stop the sufferings of the entire populace except the rich who do not understand the poor. To avoid a stressful life digging in-depth and thinking about the resolutions to get financially elevated, there is a slim solution to start with and that is to cut off expenses. It is hard, but we can manage it. We only need lots of discipline and self-control. Measure the food you cook to avoid leftovers, conserve water and energy, sleep early to minimize current usage, and be healthy to avoid going to the doctor. The doctors' fees cost a fortune.
The corruption of government employees can greatly increase expenses and reduce the revenues, income. The well paid government employees are hacking the computers of online workers, investors, increasing their expenses.
Nowadays, life is more difficult. Everything is becoming more expensive, yet salaries are not increasing. LOL. I usually try to cut back on spending because I'm saving for my dream business. Furthermore, I never want to be without savings again. I cook my meals and reheat any leftovers; I switch off lights when they are not in use; etc.
Prices of commodities are skyrocketing, yet our salary remains the same. Though there's no increase, but we received many bonuses. I saved what I received which amounted almost $ 1, 500. I cannot believe my eyes so the money went straight to my bank. I'm afraid to spend my money this time except for food.
Prices of commodities are skyrocketing, yet our salary remains the same. Though there's no increase, but we received many bonuses. I saved what I received which amounted almost $ 1, 500. I cannot believe my eyes so the money went straight to my bank. I'm afraid to spend my money this time except for food.
You are right. It really is hard to keep up these days, especially if you are a minimum-wage earner. And that is good; you received a huge bonus last Christmas. I did not receive any since my employer does not like the idea of giving bonuses to his employees.
You are right. It really is hard to keep up these days, especially if you are a minimum-wage earner. And that is good; you received a huge bonus last Christmas. I did not receive any since my employer does not like the idea of giving bonuses to his employees.
What kind of employer is that? I think that employer is a foreigner, they do not have bonuses abroad. My nurse nephew in Dubai received nothing during Christmas Day and even in Saudi Arabia where my brother works, there is no bonus every Christmas.
It is absolutely difficult to reduce expenditure when the prices are jumping up on daily basis. If the price is stable, it is possible to limit cost or find alternatives. Now, tell how it can be possible to reduce expenditure? We are living in worst global recession ever.
What kind of employer is that? I think that employer is a foreigner, they do not have bonuses abroad. My nurse nephew in Dubai received nothing during Christmas Day and even in Saudi Arabia where my brother works, there is no bonus every Christmas.
Yes, he is from a foreign country. Unfortunately, I do not receive any annual bonuses, possibly because the idea is not well-liked by them.
Yes, he is from a foreign country. Unfortunately, I do not receive any annual bonuses, possibly because the idea is not well-liked by them.
We cannot blame your boss because that is their culture and they are not easy to convince Giving of bonuses happens only in the Philippines after former President Marcos, Sr, made it into law .
To stop the extravagance, people must adhere to living in frugality. It is not easy life this time. Prices are soaring every day
Very true, it's never easy for beginners. Even for does who have been into it for a long time, there are times where they might experience some difficulties. But with time, self discipline and consistency, it is possible.
Very true, it's never easy for beginners. Even for does who have been into it for a long time, there are times where they might experience some difficulties. But with time, self discipline and consistency, it is possible.
That could be possible. It's just a matter of sacrifice and self discipline. Sooner or later we can adjust the new ways on how to cut off expenses.
We cannot blame your boss because that is their culture and they are not easy to convince Giving of bonuses happens only in the Philippines after former President Marcos, Sr, made it into law .
Yes, let's respect other cultures. Nonetheless, there are certain foreigners who go above and beyond in showing their generosity. These individuals willingly give bonuses and rewards, not just during the holiday season, but throughout the year.
Yes, let's respect other cultures. Nonetheless, there are certain foreigners who go above and beyond in showing their generosity. These individuals willingly give bonuses and rewards, not just during the holiday season, but throughout the year.
But it does not happen abroad only in our country hehehe. We have to thank the late sting man Marcos, Sr. He gave us many good things like roads and bridges and more.
But it does not happen abroad only in our country hehehe. We have to thank the late sting man Marcos, Sr. He gave us many good things like roads and bridges and more.

Although it is not a widespread practice, some freelance workers who work online and have foreign clients may receive bonuses as a token of appreciation from their employers.
Although it is not a widespread practice, some freelance workers who work online and have foreign clients may receive bonuses as a token of appreciation from their employers.
Agree on that because my niece is a content writer based from Australia she received many gifts every Christmas. The things sent to her were bouquet of roses, chocolates, bags and were all travelled via PAL from Aussie to Cagayan de Oro City. Her salary is wow 150, 000 a month. She's able to buy a car through installments and house and lot.
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