Loan Type: (Small or Large) Small
Loaned Amount Wanted:$5
Loan Schedule Type Wanted: (Standard or Amortization) standard
Length of Term to Pay Back: (length based on loan size) monthly
Payment Frequency: (Pick from list above) biweekly
Do you understand that if you fail to pay by the specific date of your payment frequency, you will end up paying more?: (yes or no)yea
Do you have a currently active exchange no
Loaned Amount Wanted:$5
Loan Schedule Type Wanted: (Standard or Amortization) standard
Length of Term to Pay Back: (length based on loan size) monthly
Payment Frequency: (Pick from list above) biweekly
Do you understand that if you fail to pay by the specific date of your payment frequency, you will end up paying more?: (yes or no)yea
Do you have a currently active exchange no