Discussion Bucks Community Guidelines - 10/9/2023

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Welcome to Discussion Bucks (DB) Forum!

Greetings and a warm welcome to Discussion Bucks, or simply DB, your new online community. We're excited to have you as part of our growing family. At DB, we believe in keeping things simple; it's the key to a thriving community. While many online forums are known for their complex rules and requirements, we've streamlined our guidelines to make them straightforward and easy to grasp. Please take a moment to read through this post to familiarize yourself with our forum's guidelines.

Official Information

For your reference, here are some essential links:
Community Values

We encourage every member to actively engage in our community. To ensure the safety and well-being of all our users, we have established certain rules. Members who adhere to these guidelines and conduct themselves professionally will be rewarded for their contributions. We emphasize that all members, including our staff, treat each other with respect and professionalism. If you ever feel that you're not receiving the same level of treatment as others, please don't hesitate to reach out to our forum administration or moderation team.

Age Requirement

DB is open to members aged 13 and above. We expect all our members to have a basic understanding of right and wrong. Please use your common sense and personal judgment to foster positive interactions within the DB community. We do not tolerate content that is harmful or unprofessional. Further details on these requirements can be found later in this post.

Posting Rules and Guidelines

Before delving into our 'Posting Rules and Guidelines,' let's clarify what a 'post' entails. A post encompasses any form of communication within DB, including replies to existing threads, starting new threads, private messages, profile status updates, and more. Essentially, anything you contribute to DB is considered a 'post.'

Spam Guidelines

In response to the growing issue of spam within our forums, we are implementing a significant update to our moderation policy, specifically addressing content that does not contribute positively or beneficially to the forum, also known as spam.

Forum spam consists of posts on Internet forums that contain unrelated advertisements, links to malicious websites, trolling, abusive content, or any other information that is unwanted within the community. Forum spam can be posted either by automated spambots or individuals with unscrupulous intentions, with the aim of getting their spam in front of readers who would not otherwise engage with it intentionally.

Here are a few examples of spam:

  • "Good information. Thanks."
  • "Thank you for sharing."
  • "Okay."
  • "Life is a box of chocolates."
In the examples above, none of these posts contribute positively to the community and do not provide other members with an opportunity to engage in meaningful discussion. Such posts are considered spam.

Moderation Policy for Spam:

1st Offense:

  • Written Warning via Private Messaging
  • Permanent moderator notation on your account
  • Spam content deleted (you lose the D Bucks earned from posting the content)
2nd Offense:
  • Written Warning via Private Messaging
  • 1 Warning Point (expires after three months)
  • Permanent moderator notation on your account
  • A fine of $0.50 will be debited from your account
  • Loss of placement in any contest(s) and/or raffle(s) you are participating in (Ticket entries for raffles will not be refunded)
3rd Offense:
  • Written Warning via Private Messaging
  • 2 Warning Points (expires after six months)
  • Permanent moderator notation on your account
  • A fine of $1.00 will be debited from your account
  • Limited account access
  • Loss of placement in any contest(s) and/or raffle(s) you are participating in (Ticket entries for raffles will not be refunded)
4th+ Offense(s):
  • Written Warning via Private Messaging
  • 3 Warning Points per additional offense (expires after one year)
  • Permanent moderator notation on your account
  • A fine of 50% or $3.00 (whichever is higher) will be debited from your account per offense
  • Limited account access
  • Loss of placement in any contest(s) and/or raffle(s) you are participating in (Ticket entries for raffles will not be refunded)
  • Loss of the ability to participate in any future contest(s)
Note: We reserve the right to alter this moderation policy at any time for any reason, without prior notice. Moderators and administrators also have the discretion to skip offense levels depending on each unique situation. In some cases account suspensions and/or permanent bans may be given.

General Guidelines
  • Advertising: Inappropriate advertising will be considered spam. If you plan to advertise on DB, please do so in designated areas. Advertising within your account signature is allowed, but advertising through our personal messaging system is prohibited. DB reserves the right to remove any advertising content, ban members not following these regulations, and restrict the promotion of specific websites or content, all without prior notice.
  • Function Use: Our forum offers various functions and capabilities, which must be used as intended. Attempting to misuse these functions or capabilities is prohibited. Reputation, Reactions, Awards, Profiles, and Posts cannot be bought or sold. Function abuse, such as spamming post reports, is strictly forbidden.
  • Impersonation: Impersonating staff members or attempting to exert control over DB members is not allowed and will not be tolerated. If you encounter a member violating our guidelines, please use the 'report' function or contact an administrator or a member of our moderation team directly.
  • Forum Section Guidelines: Kindly adhere to specific forum section guidelines (if applicable) and any notices from administrators or moderators. Your cooperation in the moderation process is expected.
  • Moderation Transparency: At DB, we take moderation practices seriously. If you violate our guidelines, a staff member from our administration or moderation team will contact you with a brief description of the violation. If you have questions, you may request additional details, and we will provide a comprehensive explanation of the violation and its circumstances. We assure you that all moderation processes are conducted impartially and fairly.
  • Signature Usage: While you are permitted to use the account signature function at DB, please refrain from adding images or content that distort the website's appearance or quality. Signatures causing disruptions may be removed or modified without notice.
  • Personal Information: For security reasons, please do not share personal information, such as your address, phone number, social security number, or any other form of personal identification, with other DB users. If someone requests such information, please report them to an administrator or moderator immediately.

Overall Moderation Policy
To ensure a fair and honest process for all members of Discussion Bucks, we have a very specific way our moderation process works. Below you will find our moderation policies, which apply to all DB members.
  • Minor Offense
    • Consists of: advertising in the wrong areas; posting short messages that do not contain valuable information; and other small things that don't cause harm to other members of the community.
    • This will result in a verbal warning via our personal messaging system.
  • Moderate Offense
    • Consists of: spamming, arguing, duplicate accounts, negativity towards members or staff, and anything considered disrespectful or uncalled for but doesn't overall harm the members of the community.
    • This will result in a very detailed verbal warning via our personal messaging system. If you are caught with two moderate offenses you may receive an official warning on your account.
  • Extreme Offense
    • Consists of: phishing, scamming, hacking, member abuse, and overall things that do cause harm to members of the community.
    • At a minimum, this will result in an official warning on your account.
  • Loss of Privileges
    • If an administrator or moderator of RIF believes you are disrupting the community in a particular way, we reserve the right to remove access to certain functions and features. You will be notified before such a loss of privileges is taken.
  • Temporary Bans
    • We reserve the right to temporarily and permanently ban a member, depending on the severity of the issues at hand. Fortunately, this is the last resort and will only happen after a minimum of two warnings are given. We want to provide you with the opportunity to correct your actions before completely removing you from our platform.
This basically sums up our moderation policy. If you believe you have been treated or punished unfairly by a member of our moderation team, please reach out to an administrator.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining the integrity of our forum community. Thank you for being a valued member of Discussion Bucks (DB).
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