Official Discussion Discussion Bucks Running Slow & Other Stuff


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Sep 8, 2023
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First off I think I got it fixed for now. Well as of last night. We are out growing the hosting we have now I think.

As you may noticed the last 3 or 4 days that DB has been running slow and then fast and then slow again and then fast again. And on and on. I have done alot of things to find out what was going on. I limited bots, looked at traffic, cleaned up alot of stuff from the hosting(files and databases) , updated addons for XF, and installed a new theme. Today the forum has been going very well for me and have not ran into the 3 minute loads. I am not sure how much longer DB will be able to stay on this hosting. I am thinking about moving it to my other hosting where the server isn't as limited as the one it is on. Setting up Cloudflare as well.

Next I did a new theme for DB. Really all I did was take the old theme and kind of freshing it up abit. Since everyone seem to like the older theme, I didn't want to change it to much. Not sure when I will release this to everyone yet.

Next I wanted to say something about Paid Offers. I do have some more coming out, but wanted the ones running get finished up. Only have 1 left to finish. I have some coming for Off Topicz, Peak Forum, DebateHQ, and Telly Addicts to start with. I will tell you that it took to long to get the 1st round of Paid Offers done. I am a little disappointed about it and the fact we had a few user sign up for them and not do anything. I know it may take a few to get it right. I am changing a few things. New DB members need to have 5 posts to be approved for them. Approving everyone for the paid offers. So if I need 10 members for a paid offer and I approve 20 members for it, the first 10 that are done and submitted will be the ones paid. Starting dates are the day that the paid offer is posted from now on too. It isn't when you get approved.

New Feature:
I have added a draft system to the forum. The forum had a draft built in. This is like the draft system plus I guess you could call it. I amd thinking about doing a how to video on this.

Description :
  • This add-on allows you to add a page to manage your drafts, invite members to participate and more.
So you can start a draft and invite others in to help you fix it up or rewrite it or whatever you want. Save it till you want to post it.

I guess that will be it for now. Sorry about the slowness the last few days.

Weldone so far admin @fords8 as for the update on the paid offers, i think the new update is only fair based on the performance of the last offer. Hopefully we would do better next time.
Yea the speed is still going fast and slow, it was abit slow a few minutes ago, it just got faster now at my end.
Yup! I knew I was going to have to move the forum sometime. Didn't think it was going to be this quick.
@05 Registered can go to and help test new server and play around with the updated theme. Anything done on this will not be saved or count for anything. Log into your accounts and mess around.
I can tell you now that the test site is running very well. Just need to get some traffic on it to see what happens. I have a few forums on this hosting and they run pretty well.
haridaseraLatest member