Do you believe that prayer works?

I believe prayers work, but prayer is sometimes an art in itself, there are many ways to pray, and I don't think they all work, you must pray with your soul for it to work from my point of view.
I'm a prayerful person and I always received answers to my prayers though not instantly. We need to pray by heart not my mouth only because God hears and heals when we pray for sickness to be healed.
I believe prayers work, but prayer is sometimes an art in itself, there are many ways to pray, and I don't think they all work, you must pray with your soul for it to work from my point of view.
I think it is more about praying with a contrite heart to have it work faster
Oh my GOD, of course prayer works, GOD gave me everything i prayed and everything that he thinks its good and useful for me, i will pray for everything, prayer will help me in so many rough amd hard times, and in my believe prayer is the way we communicat with GOD.
It's good to see that there are so many people with such unbreakable faith here, much peace to all of you and may your prayers be heard :)
I have a strong faith in Almighty. It's unshakeable. I feel that He is always there with me through ups and downs. And I pray daily. It gives me immense strength. I feel that prayers done with good heart and good intentions are always answered.
Those who do not believe in God will receive a harsh punishment when they die. Life is nothing without God, Ee need to be thankful for everything He has given us, the air, water, seas, oceans all the natural resources, and life.
There moments in our lives where all hope was lost and everything humanly possible proved futile.If you have been in that moment before then you will realize that there is spiritual being that is all powerful.There are times in our lives where we just cant comprehend with the human understanding and doing of things.

We need to look to God and offer a prayer and by his Grace he answers our prayers and renews,restores and heals.Like is in the case of the Covid where the whole world came to a stand still and people where dying like flies. There where human dead bodies everywhere and we had countries that went into lockdown.Now we are just having our normal lives as if it never even happened.Put that context in a lot of things and happenings even in our individual lives.Prayer does work
It's my daily routine to wake up early in the Morning and start my day with deep hearted prayers. It's the main life without prayer we are nothing. In every step we need to pray. So many times we find it out as after our all preparation we failed. There were nothing we left there in our struggle but we fail, when we pray to God to help us then evil forces can't hinder our work and we move smoothly with relaxed feeling towards our success.
I am not God fearing. And I would never be. I believe in the supreme power of Almighty and have a strong faith in Him..I don't pray out of fear. I pray out of my love for him. My prayers are like simple conversations that I would do with any of my close person. It's a way for me to feel connected to Him and it gives me peace of mind.
Prayers work in some instances and doesn't work in some. When situations defy human control, you need divinity ro intervene and when you pray, God would help you out. Prayer for money doesn't work though. Money answers to value.
Speaking from my own experience, i believe that prayers work. I have done this times and times without number and i have seen the evidence so many times so i know of a strong fact that it does work.
Whenever I am in stress or clueless, I turn to God and talk to Him. I will have a simple conversation with Him seeking for help or clue. And it has always happened that I have got the clue or answer from somewhere soon. My faith in Him is unshakeable and is growing stronger as I age and get more experience.
Yes, I do. I strongly believe in prayers. When I'm in the middle of difficult times, I feel the presence of God. I know he answers what I prayed for. Truly, God is powerful and merciful.
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