Do you believe that prayer works?

I genuinely believe that prayer works because it does for me. I pray before sleeping at night and sometimes when I wake up too. Praying gives me some relief, as I know that God is in control of my life and everything will work out just fine. I just have to trust him.
to be honest I do not pray but I heard many stories that praying helps to achieve certain goals or help with problems so maybe it does help but not sure
it does mate, you can try it out by making some prayers and see how it goes.
Yes, and sure prayer work the reason why and saying that is prayer is the key to God if you don't pray you can not be close from God .another thing is that if you don't pray to God you will not having any help from God. So probably we need to pay so that we can have peace in are mind.
Yes , I do believe in prayer. At times in difficult situations, praying is among the first thing I do, the reason is that, praying give me a peace of mind in difficult situations, also when we pray to God, we believe in him, this makes us know that we're not alone, also that there's someone there ready to help us and surly he always do, so I strongly believe in prayer.
Definitely, God never fails. In all bad situation we need to trust him to help us out.
That is true, and we feel the comfort and ease once we pray. Prayer is needed in our loves to survive.
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