Do you keep your receipts?

Sep 25, 2023
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It's essential for us to keep our receipts of payments. Some people just throw their receipts anywhere. It's crucial if throw the receipts in the thrash can. I am thankful that I always keep my receipts. I have a long file of recruits but the newest is kept on my wallet. It's my disposition just in case. I am right in doing this.

The other week our Internet went off so I went to our internet provider to know why our Internet was dead. I was so shocked when the Internet office said that I didn't pay my January bill. I argued that I always pay one week in advance before the due date. The person acted high and mighty and I slapped him with the receipt of payment.

He was silent and apologised. He said that my payment was not registered. I said why not registered when you were using the computer. I told him to restore the after 15 minutes, if not I will lotter your company for having a croc employee. When I arrived home our Internet was restored. It's essential to keep our receipts of payments to avoid defeat.
It is safer to keep the latest receipts the old ones could be destroyed. I am only throwing all the kept receipts after one year. There are receipts that might get lucky during an instant draw.
The stores here even pharmacies always have a monthly raffle draws and that encourages the customers to buy only to the stores that offer monthly raffle draws. I won one time, grocery items worth $20 he he. I was feeling lucky.
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