When you deposit money in a bank, the interest rate is usually low, so it is better to consider investing some of your money. A time deposit is also a good option. @Suba
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Same here. They are not that much at the moment, but I am planning to increase my investments next month. I will use the money I will earn from some forum websi
Have you tried to join a cooperative? If so, you might have received your yearly dividends. I joined on two coops and received dividends which I reinvested in the same coops.
I do both. I put a portion of my monthly earnings into a fixed deposit account every month. At the same time, I used some money to buy dividend paying stocks and mutual funds. Even if I make a loss in investment, I still have money in my savings account.
Savings in the bank is one aspect of an ideal financial life of a person. That doesn't stop you from investing. You should have savings and investments too.
I don't always see the need to put money in a savings account. If I really want to save, I save my funds in USDT. Saving it in banks reduces it's value.
I remember you mentioning in your previous post that your father instilled in you the significance of saving from a young age. You are blessed to have obtained such valuable lessons. Besides, it is better to adopt both to secure your financial future.
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I completely agree. Investing usually provides a better return on investment, which is why many individuals prioritize it. However, if one has the financial ability to do both, it would be advantageous to invest and save.
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Yes, it is an individual preference. The more important thing is, you are saving or investing your money.
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Investments come with risks so only invest what you can afford to lose. And, do not rush into investing. Take the time to conduct thorough research about different types of investments you can try.
Do you prefer to save your money at a bank or invest it somewhere else? Most people opt for investing their money since it can offer a better return on investment compared to savings accounts. You can even double or triple your money through wise investments. However, some individuals choose to do both, especially if they have a substantial monthly income. Others are on the safe side, which is saving their money at a bank.
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