Do you save your money only in the bank?


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Sep 5, 2023
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Banks are normally known to where to save our money and carry out other kinds of transactions.

Do you use banks only for saving your money or do you have your money saved in other places?

What's the best place you think money can be saved and in what form that's better than keeping it in the bank?
It depends with the type of money and how well vaetsed in banking and finance you most cases i prefer saving in unity trusts,treasury bills and bonds and only a keep a minimal portion in the actual bank that is either under the emmergencies and general expences.But just to split your money like that is what is the challenge in most cases.

My nest egg right now is just over 6000 which is still a long way to go.It is in a national pensions fund and i can only access it after i turn 60 years or when i am deed by by next of keen.
As of this moment I saved my money in the bank and Mutual Fund. I plan to purchase an insurance policy that will make me a millionaire after an agreed year. I will do it next year but I am now planning to ask for a quotation from AXA Insurance.
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As of this moment I saved my money in the bank and Mutual Fund. I plan to purchase an insurance policy that will make me a millionaire after an agreed year. I will do it next year but I am now planning to ask for a quotation from AXA Insurance.

I do not save money in a bank. This is because many banks in here are basically local banks and this means that using funds in a different country may not be a possibility since the services of the bank are limited to my country only. I prefer flexibility and many different kinds of payment solutions. This is why I prefer payment processors, which are more flexible.
I do not save money in a bank. This is because many banks in here are basically local banks and this means that using funds in a different country may not be a possibility since the services of the bank are limited to my country only. I prefer flexibility and many different kinds of payment solutions. This is why I prefer payment processors, which are more flexible.
In my case, I prefer to save my money in the bank. I also buy Mutual funds, it is one way of keeping my small money. It is good to have millions someday, lol. Let us just workout our plans and see how life goes on.
I save in a bank with a CD gaining 5% APR and when it matures I will buy another one including the profit, which is also known as laddering. I gain daily compound interest and ladder my Crypto too.
That is so good to hear from you, Buddy. You are an expert on that. Someday, you will realize your crypto is already gaining and towering in millions.
I have had my balances over 3 million Satoshi already, but spend some when it gets that high.
I have had my balances over 3 million Satoshi already, but spend some when it gets that high.
How much do you think is the value of 3 million satoshi in US dollars? That is awesome. You did the right thing.(y)
How much do you think is the value of 3 million satoshi in US dollars? That is awesome. You did the right thing.(y)
At today's price 3 million Satoshi is worth $837.9666 USD
Wow, that is huge money. That may reach tenfold from that amount. I am so happy for you.
I am down to about half that much now, but it is still growing.
It's safer to save our money in the bank. We can control ourselves from overspending if cash is hidden at home. We always think on what to buy when the money is at home but when money is in the bank we can avoid spending not essential.
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