Do you still have access the Radio

sometimes if I went home. My father is fond of listening to radios, even to this day. Although he was sleeping, he would still let the radio turn on.
I don't listen to the radio any more as I would rather listen to my Youtube play list. The only time I did was in my car although I have given up driving now. I must admit I like to sit and listen to a radio if I am a passenger in someone's car.
I listen to radio on my smartphone , there are multiple apps which pay for listening to radio and it is a simple way to make money when you cannot access the laptop or computer,
sometimes if I went home. My father is fond of listening to radios, even to this day. Although he was sleeping, he would still let the radio turn on.
lol... I had a neighbor that he had the radio on for 25 hours per day :)
Sometimes I put it at home and sometimes in the car, but when they start putting to much advertising, I just turn it off.
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