Do You Take Global Warming Seriously?

Oct 3, 2023
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Global warming is real, and we must take it seriously. Weather patterns are changing, which causes flooding, hurricanes, and other natural calamities. Furthermore, glaciers are melting, and numerous species are struggling to adapt to changing weather patterns. I am concerned about global warming, which is why I use energy-efficient household appliances, conserve water, bring my eco-bag to the grocery store, use an insulated water bottle, and recycle items. They are not much but small steps can make a big difference.
most peaple says yes but do nothing about it it's not like this will help to do anything you need to take action sadly we peaple do not make a lot of changes plus most do not give a shit rich peaple can change something but they enjoy their live and do not care about our earth well being
I feel very strongly about this because I see how others do not take it seriously and it upsets me, so I understand that I have to start with myself. I sold my car because there are so many cars in the city so I didn't want to personally pollute the air, now I use a bicycle and public transport
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