Does your country require all businesses to be registered to operate? | Discussion Bucks

Does your country require all businesses to be registered to operate?

King Belieal

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Oct 1, 2023
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For some countries, it is required by law to that every business must be registered by the government for such a businesses to operate.

In such countries, enforcement officers go about to seal business premises that are not registered with proof.

Is registration compulsory for all businesses in your country? In my country, it is not required for very small sole proprietorship and partnership businesses to register but if it is medium scale, you must register.
The only businesses that are required to be registered by law in my country are businesses that are recognized as a legal entity. And that is companies. Medium and small scale businesses are not required by law to register but they can just go ahead to register because they want to be recognized by government and have certain advantages.
In my country It is mandatory, all business owners needs to register their business so that the government can cut tax, but peoples manage to hide their small business in order to avoid the payments.
We must register business. You can't have business without company. If you have business without company, it is called illegal work.
It is required that all business should be registered before operating, just that this rule is not so strict. This is why we have so many business owners who are running a business that have not been registered.
In my country, I believe that if you don't employ up to 7 staff, it is bit mandatory to have the business registered. Only businesses with staff strength 7 and above should be registered.