Family quarrelling: it is lack of discipline's fault and not lack of money's fault

Sep 29, 2023
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It has always been said: when money doesn't come at home through the door, love flies away from the window. Many families keep on constantly quarrelling cause lack of money, but is it correct to ascribe to the lack of money all the fault? Well, while it isn't the wisest thing to decide to marry (moreover, to conceive children) while both people in a couple are unemployed, in my opinion it's lack of discipline that plays the biggest role. I have assisted at mishaps similar to those followings:
-John Doe loses his job. In any way, he gets a guarantee fund from the company he worked for. John Doe doesn't know when he'll get another job, but despite of such a fact, his children want that new expensive mobile and his wife wants to go shopping in that luxury mall out of the city. The money from the guarantee fund finishes, John Doe is still jobless and the family starts to quarrel, claiming John Doe didn't his best to find another employment instead of blaming their lack of discipline
-Jane Doe has a precarious job, while her husband has a stable one, but he keeps on supporting his brother's vices. Jane Doe's brother-in-law is a loafer who says goodbye to all his jobs and he still wants to smoke. His brother, Jane Doe's husband, keeps on purchasing cigarettes for his brother. Then purchases a new washing-machine for his brother, because the old one is broken and a jobless loafer can't purchase a new one...Jane Doe and her husband start to quarrel because money lacks at their home, but the mishap is the husband wants to support his lazy brother's vices. Another case of lack of discipline, worse than lack of money.
I could show thousands of such examples...
It depends on the culture of the geographic area, even of each single family. It also happens a broken sibling shouts up about his/her financial matters to not burden his/her brothers and sisters, while other people, the other way round, live a beggar's life to buy cigarettes. I still think that lack of discipline plays its role, as many penniless people aren't capable to get rid of superfluous stuff like Netflix subscription and the same TV appliance (they could save that money and live in a better condition), that sometimes need maintenance. Especially in Latin America, it looks like people would die without the pay-TV. I have known people who claimed their salary is small, but they don't get rid of Netflix as a matter of life and death.
Money does not automatically stop arguments, but lack of money can actually cause issues in a house or family.
I still think such issues mostly come from indiscipline, more than lack of money. It's very important to be rational and realistic. If your salary is too small, there is no reason to maintain a Netflix subscription by all means (as unfortunately is a true mishap in my country: there are penniless couples/families who barely can purchase food, but the pay-TV doesn't lack in their houses, but well, finally, sometimes there is the grandmother's small pension, so the third-aged ends up unable to purchase drugs to support the family members pay-TV to avoid a quarrel). Or it happens the TV appliance breaks down: a rational family member states the family can happily live without a TV, as the TV maintenance money should serve to pay for a doctor's consultation, drugs, tests, educational stuff. If the other family members are rational and realistic, they simply agree and no quarrelling. But the disgruntles family members behaving like toddlers (despite their adult age), starting a quarrel because they want by all means to watch the following episodes of their favourite series...
I'm sure the best thing is to acquire the ability to live in downshifting and to become rational and realistic. Instead of behaving like toddlers cause futilities or in any way things we can live a discreet life without.
Toddlers are better than mature individuals. Toddlers are easy to appease but mature people not. It is not good to quarrel on something for retaliation happens after. Some family members might have a different mindset.
What worsens mature people's condition (in such cases, I'd say only adult people cause childishness :ROFLMAO: ) in many circumstances is the continuous complaining of their situation (obviously, I'm not talking about dramatic conditions like having to rummage through the dump to find food or zero money to pay for a medical consultation: I simply mean the impossibility to afford luxuries and futilities).
I was especially thinking on those giant TVs that occupy half wall of the sitting-room, that the average Latin American adore so much...during my life, I saw even poor people owning such a TV appliance, even a modern model of a top brand mobile (while owning money to John, Jerry and Jack Doe).
Whether we like it or not, families that have financial resources in abundance rarely have family squabbles that much.
Why do you dream of a giant TV? A giant may come out he he. Just buy a 21-inch flat-screen TV. We have three televisions at home and all flat screen, size 21 inches. I do not like a giant-size TV. It is disturbing to my eyes.
No, dear friend, maybe I didn't clearly express the concept. Personally, I don't desire a giant TV, but moreover, I hate to watch TV at the point I have stopped to watch TV since 13 years ago:ROFLMAO: . I was talking about this cultural point in the Latin lands, where ostentation and the love for futilities is a sad reality maintaining average people in poverty. Some people live begging for loans to John, Jerry and Jack Doe (loans that very probably they won't pay back) while their houses count on the last technology.
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