Fears / Phobias

I have trypanophobia (fear of needles) and, most especially, phasmophobia (fear of seeing ghosts or the supernatural). Even though I like watching horror movies, I don't like seeing them in real life. and my fear of needles is the reason why I don't like going to hospitals.
I have a phobia of blood and cockroaches. I also feel weak and helpless when I see other people or sick animals.
I have trypanophobia (fear of needles)
Takes me over two months to get a blood test done sometimes and being diabetic it's not good as doctor wants results every three months not whenever I get around to it :/
Takes me over two months to get a blood test done sometimes and being diabetic it's not good as doctor wants results every three months not whenever I get around to it :/
Oh my.. took me a year to get the COVID-19 vaccine, because of needles too 😅.
If I hadn't been to a place where the vaccine is mandatory, I would have never done it.
Oh my.. took me a year to get the COVID-19 vaccine, because of needles too 😅.
If I hadn't been to a place where the vaccine is mandatory, I would have never done it.
Yeah same here. I only did it due to vaccine passes being rolled out at the time and if you hadn't got one you weren't allowed almost anywhere.
Oh my.. took me a year to get the COVID-19 vaccine, because of needles too 😅.
If I hadn't been to a place where the vaccine is mandatory, I would have never done it.
Oh yes, I'm also afraid of needles, I even deliberately didn't take the Covid vaccine because I didn't need to go to a place that required the vaccine. 😁🤣
I think am beginning to notice that i am scared of high places. Then another thing i am scared of is snakes. Does creatures are so creepy. Their movement to me does not look natural 😅
I think am beginning to notice that i am scared of high places. Then another thing i am scared of is snakes. Does creatures are so creepy. Their movement to me does not look natural 😅
I'm also afraid of snakes, when there are snakes I often panic about how to get rid of them.
Oh yes, I'm also afraid of needles, I even deliberately didn't take the Covid vaccine because I didn't need to go to a place that required the vaccine. 😁🤣
lucky you. That's why I only took the vaccine; no more booster doses for me.
Same here, to even watch them on tv gives me the creeps.
Yes same. 😁
lucky you. That's why I only took the vaccine; no more booster doses for me.
I remember very well the last time I was injected during 3rd grade elementary schoolm immunization. When I go to the doctor, I always ask not to get an injection, just take medicine or apply it topically. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I am scared of spiders, heights, thunderstorms, rats and death.

I always remember when I had my third child, I was sitting one day just relaxing after having a sleepless night and for some weird reason, I ended up thinking about death and how my children would cope without me and it upset me so much. That was the first time I ever realized just how scared of death I was.
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