Financial service providers exploiting customers


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Oct 20, 2023
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Some financial service providers are exploiting their older single customers, investors, falsely claiming that the savings belong to the young girlfriends of top government employees and get the girlfriends government jobs at the expense of the investor. This is a sophisticated form of bribery to keep the top government employee happy? What is the best way to deal with this problem?
Unfortunately, you did not mention the types of financial service providers, whether they are banks, financial consultants, public accountants, financial institutions, securities companies, mutual fund investment managers, foreign exchange traders, etc. who have exploited single customers. If they are financial consultants or public accountants, they only provide financial advice, while the decision is in the hands of the investor.
Some of these companies are agents for companies offering fixed deposits and other investment options , and it is usually more convenient to invest through them since they send their person to collect forms.
So it's a kind of fixed income mutual fund, of course you have proof of depositing money into the investment platform which is the main evidence for serving a subpoena in court. If it doesn't work, you can create content on social media with proof of depositing money. That platform is a scam and must be avoided, the aim is only to prevent more victims of fraud.
So it's a kind of fixed income mutual fund, of course you have proof of depositing money into the investment platform which is the main evidence for serving a subpoena in court. If it doesn't work, you can create content on social media with proof of depositing money. That platform is a scam and must be avoided, the aim is only to prevent more victims of fraud.
The platform is obviously a scam. I don't think any registered and licensed investment platform can do that? Are there no laws relating to that in the jurisdiction?
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