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Finger print or Face recognition which is your favorite and secured?

Oct 22, 2023
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Personally i don't like to use the face recognition security on my phone, i use the finger print and the pin, it is more secured and more safe for me, some times the face recognition can be difficulty to open it in dark areas.
What about you which one is your favorite lock system?
For me I simply used finger prints, not that I feel one is safer than the other, but I am already used to finger prints and at the moment I don't feel like trying face recognition.
For me I simply used finger prints, not that I feel one is safer than the other, but I am already used to finger prints and at the moment I don't feel like trying face recognition.
I am also like you, using finger print lock system is easy for me, i have been using it for long time now and even if my android phone accepts face recognition i don't like to use it.
I am also like you, using finger print lock system is easy for me, i have been using it for long time now and even if my android phone accepts face recognition i don't like to use it.
LoL I have never even tried it once. Finger prints is best for me.
Fingerprint is the safest for me as no two people have the same fingerprint but this is not the case for face, I have seem someone opening another's phone because they both look alike.
Yeah some phones have very weak security system and very weak ace recognitions so that means it will be easy to open your phone, but also fingerprint is not safe to because some one can open it when you are sleeping by putting your hand on the phone.
Finger print is a head ache, I like face recognition instead, especially if your phone becomes old and your camera quality starts decreasing then it doesn't work easily like the past from personal experience.
Oh wow, you don't like finger print security lock, personally i prefer finger print because it is more easy for me that way and i can open it when ever i want unlike a face recognition, but i think with face recognition it open any time it detects your face right?
Oh wow, you don't like finger print security lock, personally i prefer finger print because it is more easy for me that way and i can open it when ever i want unlike a face recognition, but i think with face recognition it open any time it detects your face right?
It happens sometimes that phone is opened just for showing your face and then still opened in your pocket and this happens several time to me also to say the truth.
It happens sometimes that phone is opened just for showing your face and then still opened in your pocket and this happens several time to me also to say the truth.
Yeah, that is the problem with setting our phone lock with face recognitions, but it is good to have it.
I use pin and comfortable with it. Though, it is not secured like fingerprints or face recognition. I prefer pin because it is simple but difficult to hack. Dace recognition have one disadvantage, it can't recognize face on dark environment.
True, face recognition don't work at night, especially if there is no light around It will be very challenging to open a phone with face recognition.
True, face recognition don't work at night, especially if there is no light around It will be very challenging to open a phone with face recognition.
Even with light and seems harder than the morning because the light of sun could let your face visible unlike artificial light.
Even with light and seems harder than the morning because the light of sun could let your face visible unlike artificial light.
The face recognition technology need some modifications and upgrade.
Even with light and seems harder than the morning because the light of sun could let your face visible unlike artificial light.
Yes, most of the times using face recognition at night could be defaulting and some times it is very frustrating, and yeah the natural light is better.
I prefer finger print because you don't need to lift your phone or do any of this personally I use regular passcode lol no one goes through my phone
They could offer multiple one like finger recognization or face one or even pass code you could do three of them.
I'm one of those who prefers finger print because I don't like that they have biometric data on my face, although I think that last one is more secure.
I'm one of those who prefers finger print because I don't like that they have biometric data on my face, although I think that last one is more secure.
Some applications requires finger print for easy access like binance one for example or even some applications goes with face recognization like redotpay for verification.
I'm one of those who prefers finger print because I don't like that they have biometric data on my face, although I think that last one is more secure.
True, using our fingerprint to unlock our phone is simple and works even when we can not see it directly in front of the camera. Unlike face recognition, and also fingerprint authentication works in completely dark environments.
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